
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

What is SEO?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

What is SEO?

Learn more about setting objectives and creating SEO strategies.

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Three reasons hiring an SEO agency is sweet like Christmas morning
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Three reasons hiring an SEO agency is sweet like Christmas morning

The same feelings as waking up Christmas morning to see everyone open up their presents can happen when hiring the right SEO agency! By developing and maintaining a website’s SEO, businesses have increased chances of ranking higher in search engines, like Google.

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Content opportunities: Finding the silver lining in SEO during COVID-19
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Content opportunities: Finding the silver lining in SEO during COVID-19

For businesses and companies to position themselves during a pandemic sounds absurd, but with COVID 19 SEO content and other SEO strategies, this is how companies can find that silver lining and continue to expand during and after the pandemic.

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SEO Notes: What is happening in the SEO industry
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  • SEO and Search Marketing

SEO Notes: What is happening in the SEO industry

There is a common phrase in our industry that goes kind of like, "SEO is always changing." And as one of our clients has said before, "there is always a new update, algorithm or something else." That is right because Google is ALWAYs updating at least once a day. Here are the top trends and changes happening in our industry!

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Case Study: The process of ranking for national keywords
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Case Study: The process of ranking for national keywords

A case study of how Monstrous Media Group has helped this client rank for national keywords in six months with our Omaha SEO agency methods and a bit of trust from our client!

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“Alexa, how do I rank for voice search?”
  • SEO and Search Marketing

“Alexa, how do I rank for voice search?”

In 2020, 50 percent of searches will be conducted with a voice assistant. A Google Home or Alexa is changing the SEO landscape and here's how to optimize your website.

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